

Show unmerged/unpulled revisions between two branches.


brz missing [OTHER_BRANCH]

-d ARG, --directory=ARG

Branch to operate on, instead of working directory.

-h, --help

Show help message.


Show all revisions in addition to the mainline ones.


Display changes in the local branch only.


Filter on local branch revisions (inclusive). See “help revisionspec” for details.


Same as –theirs-only.

-q, --quiet

Only display errors and warnings.


Reverse the order of revisions.

-r ARG, --revision=ARG

Filter on other branch revisions (inclusive). See “help revisionspec” for details.


Show internal object ids.


Display changes in the remote branch only.


Same as –mine-only.


Show usage message and options.

-v, --verbose

Display more information.

Log format:

Use specified log format.


Format used by GNU ChangeLog files.


Log format with one line per revision.


Detailed log format.

-S, --short

Moderately short log format.


OTHER_BRANCH may be local or remote.

To filter on a range of revisions, you can use the command -r begin..end -r revision requests a specific revision, -r ..end or -r begin.. are also valid.

Exit values:

1 - some missing revisions 0 - no missing revisions


Determine the missing revisions between this and the branch at the remembered pull location:

brz missing

Determine the missing revisions between this and another branch:

brz missing http://server/branch

Determine the missing revisions up to a specific revision on the other branch:

brz missing -r ..-10

Determine the missing revisions up to a specific revision on this branch:

brz missing --my-revision ..-10
See also:

merge, pull