export ====== :Purpose: Export current or past revision to a destination directory or archive. :Usage: brz export DEST [BRANCH_OR_SUBDIR] :Options: -d ARG, --directory=ARG Branch to operate on, instead of working directory. --filters Apply content filters to export the convenient form. --format=ARG Type of file to export to. -h, --help Show help message. --per-file-timestamps Set modification time of files to that of the last revision in which it was changed. -q, --quiet Only display errors and warnings. --recurse-nested Include contents of nested trees. -r ARG, --revision=ARG See "help revisionspec" for details. --root=ARG Name of the root directory inside the exported file. --uncommitted Export the working tree contents rather than that of the last revision. --usage Show usage message and options. -v, --verbose Display more information. :Description: If no revision is specified this exports the last committed revision. Format may be an "exporter" name, such as tar, tgz, tbz2. If none is given, try to find the format with the extension. If no extension is found exports to a directory (equivalent to --format=dir). If root is supplied, it will be used as the root directory inside container formats (tar, zip, etc). If it is not supplied it will default to the exported filename. The root option has no effect for 'dir' format. If branch is omitted then the branch containing the current working directory will be used. Note: Export of tree with non-ASCII filenames to zip is not supported. ================= ========================= Supported formats Autodetected by extension ================= ========================= dir (none) tar .tar tbz2 .tar.bz2, .tbz2 tgz .tar.gz, .tgz zip .zip ================= =========================